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Pink, green slime on soda nozzles. Dead roaches. Upstate restaurants with worst May inspections

May 14, 2023

South Carolina health inspectors found multiple violations at restaurants in the Upstate in May, from a green and pink slimy substance accumulating on soda nozzles to dead roaches in the back of a kitchen. The state each month releases grades and inspection reports for food establishments across Upstate counties.

Here are the restaurants that received some of the lowest ratings in May.

Puerto Nuevo had an inspection on May 22 and got a C grade.

An inspector observed raw meats thawing under room temperature without cold running water or under refrigeration. A bag of beans was seen stored by the mop sink. Also, the soda nozzles at the bar were seen with an accumulation of a slimy green and pink substance.

Cooling chicken stock in large, full containers were seen next to each other without proper air flow. Also, certain foods were seen not kept at proper holding temperatures.

The restaurant had a required followup inspection on May 26 and got an A grade.

Happy Donkey Mexican Grill had an inspection on May 2 and got a C grade.

An inspector observed a roach crawling on a shelf in the dish room area. Also observed were multiple utensils and dishes stacked not visibly clean and with food debris on them.

An employee was seen placing cooked tortillas into a bowl for service using bare hands.

The restaurant had a required followup inspection on May 24 and got an A grade.

El Jimador Viejo had an inspection on May 1 and got a C grade.

An inspector observed that the walk-in cooler was not working properly. Also observed were certain foods not held at proper temperatures. The back door was seen open and not capable of closing by itself. An employee was seen touching ready-to-eat food without gloves.

A required followup inspection was held May 2 and the restaurant got an A grade.

Catracha Food Truck had an inspection on May 2 and got a C grade.

An inspector observed several flies present, flying around and on equipment in the kitchen.

Also seen were cooked black beans stored in a deep container and chicken stored in containers with a tight lid for cooling. Certain foods were seen kept at improper holding temperatures.

Catracha had a required followup inspection on May 11 and got an A grade.

Country Cook-In had an inspection on May 3 and got a C grade.

An inspector observed rodent droppings in the storage room in the kitchen. Also seen was raw meat thawing under room temperature.

Employees at the facility were also seen failing to wash, rinse and sanitize dishes correctly.

The restaurant had a required followup inspection on May 12 and got another C grade. A second required followup inspection has not yet been held.

Santa Fe Mexican Grill had an inspection on May 17 and got a C grade.

An inspector observed dead roaches under shelving, in bus pans and in clean dish storage tubs. Also, a live roach was seen along the back wall at the back shelving.

Certain foods were not seen kept at proper holding temperatures.

Employees never washed hands during the entire inspection.

The restaurant had a required followup inspection on May 23 and earned an A grade.

Paw's Jr. had an inspection on May 8 and got a C grade.

An inspector observed an accumulation of food debris, grime and food splatter on the walls and floors in the facility. Also observed was an accumulation of grease on the surface of the ground around the grease receptacle and mop area.

An accumulation of a black substance was seen in the ice machine, as well as an accumulation of food debris in the walk-in freezer. Multiple food items were seen stored on the floor in the walk-in cooler. Cooked green beans and collards in a large plastic covered container was seen stacked cooling since 10 a.m.

The restaurant had a required followup inspection on May 25 and earned an A grade.